Measuring the economic impacts of inbound higher education mobility

2020 | Stipendium Hungaricum, Angol nyelvű kiadványok

The purpose of this research is to measure the local as well as systemic level economic impact of certain target groups of international students (Erasmus+ students, Stipendium Hungaricum grant beneficiaries and fee-paying students); to examine their role and significance as a consumer group; to analyse their multiplier economic effects; to disclose the direct payments into economy; and to analyse their role in tourism, as well their participation in the studentification process of each university city.

Due to the increasing volume of student mobility, its economic significance is unquestionable. Besides attracting talents, generating revenues also plays a pivotal role now for universities recruiting international students. According to a multitude of researches, the presence of international students is economically beneficial for the universities, the cities they are situated in, as well as the country of destination in a broader sense. This benefit is directly realised in tuition fees and the amounts spent on living expenses (Brooks, R. – Waters, J., 2011).

The number of foreign citizens in Hungarian higher education has been constantly rising since the turn of the millennium. From 11,783 students in 2011, by the academic year 2019/2020 we have seen a three and a quarter time increase to 326% of that former figure, which means 38,422 students. The findings of the research conducted in three major university cities of Hungary (M. Császár Zs. et al, 2016-2017) also pointed out that the impact which international students engaged in higher education studies have on economy and employment is a process which is discernible at an institutional, regional, as well as a national level, and therefore its nation-wide, complex study serves an important national economic interest.

„In the first phase of the research focusing on „Measuring the Economic Impacts of Inbound Higher Education Mobility”, conducted under the grant programme of Tempus Public Foundation, in the second half of 2019 we developed the methodology and research and analysis plan for the multi-dimensional measuring of the economic impacts of international students. These provided the basis to this empirical study.

The purpose of this research is to measure the local as well as systemic level economic impact of certain target groups of international students (Erasmus+ students, Stipendium Hungaricum grant beneficiaries and fee-paying students); to examine their role and significance as a consumer group; to analyse their multiplier economic effects; to disclose the direct payments into economy; and to analyse their role in tourism, as well their participation in the studentification process of each university city.


On behalf of Tempus Public Foundation, the study was published in the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme, supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and coordinated by Tempus Public Foundation.

A kiadvány a Tempus Közalapítvány megbízásából, a Stipendium Hungaricum program keretében, a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült. A Stipendium Hungaricum programot a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium irányításával a Tempus Közalapítvány koordinálja.